Lily and the Drum
Current Album
Available Right Now !!

“THIS IS RIGHT NOW” Album Review 2019
"Their latest offering, This Is Right Now, I personally believe is a
strong example of remarkable musicianship with tons of effort behind it."
"The songs themselves carry a very rich country atmosphere that range from having a warm,soft and mellow sentiment to carrying an upbeat and catchy fast-paced mood; each with a boldly artistic ambience. The lyrics show maturity and help to carry the songs’ overall theme very effortlessly, and the production of the album is very professionally executed as well. I
especially love the melodic chemistry and raw energy that is abundant throughout the album and especially in Lily’s vocals.
With excellent instrumentation, stellar vocals and mature song writing, this is an album for everybody to give a listen to at least once. From the smooth, jazzy sensation of Higher And Higher to the bouncy dance-along vibrancy of The Rain Dance, Lily And The Drum show us that they can do no wrong. This is a great listen and I look forward to new material from the
band in the future. A fan of rock, blues, roots or country? Then be sure to check out This Is Right Now, and treat yourself to catching Lily And The Drum live."
Paul McGowan "The Clothesline"
“Buried in Blue” Album Review 2016
“Song after song, ‘Are you Gonna be Brave’, Could it be I’m Wrong’, ’Let it Slide’ and ‘Child of Love’ demonstrate that there are no weak links at all to this album. Lily’s vocal style is bold and brassy. Her voice has a control, power and clarity other female singer’s wish they had. Her guitar playing is equally as good, in fact I think the synergy between her and John Yacka is evident everywhere. Hear Lily stretch out vocally on the album’s title track, ‘Buried in Blue’, more of John’s soulful harp and sympathetic drumming ….beautiful stuff.”
"Lily & The Drum do not conform to the norm; nor do they follow any trends. You will not be able to listen to any of these songs and pigeonhole them. They do things their way, saying “This is us, make of it what you will”. I find this attitude healthy and refreshing, and I applaud Lily & John for producing such a fine album, well done."
Mike Hotz Adelaide Roots & Blues Assoc & Radio Presenter Radio Adelaide
Welcome Change" Album Reviews 2014
This album is effortless, and I don’t mean that in the bad sense! Lily and the Drum just have music flowing from their veins, that they don’t need to put in an effort, it just seems to come naturally to them. Ability just oozes out of their pores and you can hear this musical love right here on their latest release” “Savvy” MusicSA
"Welcome Change is the latest CD release from the prolific and very listenable Lily And The Drum.The album has, at its core, a solid foundation of rocking roots and blues. It is no surprise that the 11 numbers featured on this album present a fluency and assurance that comes from knowing each other well. As with some of the duo’s other collaborations. It has a familiarity, but it’s definitely not music-by-numbers. Both lyrically and musically, there’s a great deal of skill and craft that has gone into the writing, arranging and performing of the majority of the tracks included here. All up, this is another well-executed album of original music from Lily and the Drum. Get a hold of it, and catch them live when you can!"
David Robinson “The Clothesline”
"Nobody Just Like Me" Album Review 2012
“You can do an awful lot musically with just two people.
Exhibit A, South Australian pair Lily and the Drum.
Their seven song debut CD runs the gamut of influences from Blues to infectious rockabilly ”
Steve Robertson Portland Observer

" THIS IS RIGHT NOW' released Feb 2019
No 8 Top 20+1 ThreeD radio SA
No. 21 Top 25 Australian Blues & Roots Airplay Chart March 2019
"Buried In Blue" released August 2016
No.6 Top 20+1 ThreeD Radio SA
No. 16 Top 25 Australian Blues & Roots Airplay Chart 2016
"Welcome Change" released October 2014
No 8 Top 20+1 ThreeD radio SA
"Matter of Fact" released Sept 2014
No.3 Top 20+1 ThreeD Radio SA
No. 18 Top 25 Australian Blues & Roots Airplay Chart 2014
Debut Album released 2012 "Nobody Just Like Me"
No2 Top 20+1 ThreeD Radio SA
No. 23 Top 25 Australian Blues & Roots Airplay Chart 2013